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Pro-wrestling is fake. Every bit of it. The feuding, the fighting, the lightening bolts coming from the roof of the arena. Wrestling fans are completely aware of this. And guess what? They don't care.

Anyone outside pro-wrestling fandom can't understand why or how wrestling fans could possibly be entertained by something they know is fake. This same concept can be applied to religion. Most religions almost always defy science with things like magical creation scripture and miracles like ressurrection. Non-believers can't understand why anyone would invest their hearts in something that is totally disproven by science, yet believers continue to pour their souls into their faith, finding solace and fulfillment with every part of their religion (Peacock 2015). Also, just as the ins-and-outs of religion were often reserved for the educated and the ordained so as not to overwhelm or disenchant the peasent believer, the secrets of wrestling are hidden well by the promoter so as not to disenchant those fans who take the "sport" so literally that it is as sacred and canon as the Bible (Laderman 2003). The art of wrestling is sacred in itself to those that choose invest their hearts and their passions in it.


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